Albert Pierrepoint

Albert Pierrepoint
ALBERT PIERREPOINT d1992. The most famous member of the family that provided three of the United Kingdom's official hangmen in the first half of the 20th century. It is believed that Pierrepoint executed at least 433 men / 17 women and over 200 Nazi War Criminals following WW2. His most notable cases are thought to include ; William Joyce (1946) / Acid bath murderer John Haigh (1949) / Timothy Evans (1950) / Serial killer John Reginald Christie (1953) / Derek Bentley (1953) who was pardoned in 1998 and Ruth Ellis (1955). He became disillusioned with his job following the case of his friend John Corbitt and resigned in 1956 following a row about his 15 pound per execution fees. He died himself in a Southport nursing home in July 1992.