Buddy Rich

Buddy Rich

BUDDY RICH d1987. American jazz drummer billed as "The Worlds Greatest Drummer", known for his virtuoso technique power and speed. Although Rich was usually helpful and friendly, he was renowned for having a short temper. Whilst he threatened many times to fire members of his band, he seldom actually did so and for the most part lauded his group members during television and print interviews. He died of heart failure following an operation aged 69 in 1987

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Buddy Rich Autograph

Reference Number. 15036C


An original vintage 1980s autograph book page, clearly signed and dedicated (To Stephen) in ink by Buddy Rich

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Buddy Rich & Allan Storr

Reference Number. 14213A


A desirable early original vintage 1940s autograph book page, clearly signed in ink by both Buddy Rich and band singer Allan Storr

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