
THE DAMNED. English gothic punk band first formed in London in 1976. The first punk rock group to release a single (New Rose) that reached the UK charts and the first punk group to tour the US. They scored numerous Top 50 hits between 1979 and 1987 but are best known for "Eloise" which reached No3 in 1986. They have incorporated numerous music styles into their music and have changed lineups many times over the years. Every lineup however has included either/or founding members Captain Sensible and Dave Vanian.

Reference Number. 14304B
Four original 1994-2006 index cards, clearly signed in sharpie pens by ; Captain Sensible / Rat Scabies / Dave Vanian and Brian James
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Damned - Adam & The Ants
Reference Number. 10331
A good pair of original 1981 autograph book pages, clearly signed in ballpoints by four group members ; Captain Sensible (vocals / guitar) / David Vanian (vocals / keyboards) / Rat Scabies (drummer) and Paul Gray (bass)
ON THE REVERSE of the pages ; ADAM & THE ANTS (Adam Ant / Terry Lee Miall / Marco Pirroni / Chris "Merrick" Hughes and Gary Tibbs) dedicating to Jonathan. Collectors notation Brighton Centre / Metropole Hotel Brighton 1981
ON THE REVERSE of the pages ; SAXON ((Pete Gill (drums) / Bill (Biffi) Byford (vocals) / Steve Dawson (bass) / Graham Oliver (guitar) and Paul Quinn (guitar)). Collectors notation Brighton Centre 1981
ON THE REVERSE of the pages ; ALTERED IMAGES (Clare / Tich and Johnny) at Sussex University 1981 AND MADNESS (Suggs / Mike Barson)
A desirable collection of the full 1981 lineups of three notable groups of the period ; The Damned / Adam & The Ants and Saxon
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Damned & It Bites
Reference Number. 14257P
An original vintage circa 1984 lined exercise book page, clearly signed in ballpoints by all four group members (following the departure of Captain Sensible in this year) ; Rat Scabies (drums) / Roman Jug (guitar) / Bryn Merrick d2015 (bass) and Dave Vanian (vocals)
PLUS an additional circa 1980s page signed by Captain Sensible to make up the set (see second image)
ON REVERSE of page. IT BITES. English progressive rock and pop fusion band formed in Cumbria in 1982. They are best known for their 1986 single "Calling All the Heroes" which gained them a Top 10 UK Singles Chart hit. Signatures of all five group members ; Francis Dunnery / Dick Nolan / Howard "H" Smith / John Beck and Bob Dalton
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