Francis de Wolff

Francis de Wolff
FRANCIS DE WOLFF d1984. English character actor. Large, bearded and beetle-browed, he is remembered for playing villains in both film and television. His best known film appearances include ; Treasure Island (1950) (Black Dog) / Scrooge (1951) (Spirit of Christmas Present) / Ivanhoe (1952) / Moby Dick (1956) / Saint Joan (1957) / From Russia with Love (1963) (Vavra) / Carry on Cleo (1964) and in many Hammer House Horror movies of the 1950-60s. His countless TV appearances include ; The Avengers / Maigret / Danger Man / Dixon of Dock Green and Doctor Who (Agamemnon / Vasor 1964-5). He died in Sussex aged 71 on April 18th 1984.