Judge Dread

Judge Dread
JUDGE DREAD d1998. English reggae and ska musician and the first white recording artist to have a hit in Jamaica. His best known UK Top 20 hits (1972-1975) include ; Big Six / Big Seven / Big Eight / Je Taime and Come Outside. He became notorious for the BBC has banning more of his songs than any other recording artist, due to his frequent use of sexual innuendo. He died of a heart attack aged 52 in 1998

Judge Dread
Reference Number. 13004DD
An original 1977 autograph book page, clearly signed and dedicated (To Gina) love Judge Dread xxxxx
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Judge Dread
Reference Number. 8439
An original circa 1975 autograph book page, clearly signed and dedicated "To Sharon love Judge Dread xxxxx"
ON THE REVERSE of this page is female glam-rock singer Kristine Sparkle (To Sharon all love)
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