Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson
MICHAEL JACKSON d2009. American singer nicknamed "the King of Pop", widely regarded to be one of the greatest and most influential entertainers of modern times. His achievements include ; thirteen Grammy Awards / thirteen No1 singles and his 1982 album "Thriller" is the biggest selling LP of all time. Other notable releases include ; "Off The Wall" (1979) / "Bad" (1987) / "Dangerous" (1991) and "History" (1995). It is estimated that to date he has sold over 800 million records worldwide. Michael Jackson made a unique contribution to music & dance after becoming a child star with The Jackson 5 during the 1960s. His ground-breaking dance routines including "The Robot & The Moonwalk" and his pioneering use of video to promote his music has set him apart from his contemporaries. His musical achievements, his huge fan-base, his colourful, controversial & often eccentric private life and the manner of his sad death on June 25th 2009 (aged just 50) will ensure his star will remain bright for many decades to come .....

Michael Jackson Pass
Reference Number. MJP1X
An original Michael Jackson 1982 Wembley Stadium Bad Tour Special Enclosure Pass for Friday 15th July
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Michael Jackson Ticket
Reference Number. MJTKT3
An original Michael Jackson Bad Tour ticket for Wembley Stadium on Saturday August 27th 1988
Ticket No009629 Price £17.50
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Michael Jackson Ticket
Reference Number. MJTKT2B
An original Michael Jackson Bad Tour ticket for Wembley Stadium on Thursday July 14th 1988
Ticket No15800 Price £17.50
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Michael Jackson Dangerous
Reference Number. MJTK3A
An original 1992 Michael Jackson Dangerous European Tour programme
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