For the infrequent or inexperienced buyer, the thought of trying to find a "genuine autograph" for their own pleasure or as gift amongst the minefield of autograph dealers and listings on Ebay should rightfully be enough to set all the alarm bells ringing
It is "a piranha pool" out there for all but the most experienced collectors
There are literally hundreds of dealers / websites and internet auction sites waiting to snare all but the best informed and most vigilant
Those who do not bother to ask questions or do their own basic research have an 80% chance of buying a fake
For the genuine buyer seeking professional help we can help remove many of the pitfalls and worries associated with doing this
We will attempt to source that special item you are looking for through our extensive worldwide network of trusted contacts. A charge has to be made for this service as you must understand this can be a very time consuming occupation
Simply send an email to with your request and we can discuss further.