Daphne Laureola
Daphne Laureola
DAPHNE LAUREOLA. Comic play by James Bridie about a young Polish refugee's infatuation with a middle-aged English woman. The play was first produced by the Old Vic at Wyndham's Theatre in London in 1949 (starring Edith Evans and Peter Finch) under the management of Laurence Olivier. The production was a major success, helping launch Finch's career in London
Daphne Laureola
Reference Number. 14365G
Three rare original consecutive vintage 1949 autograph book pages, clearly signed in various inks by eight main characters ; Peter Finch d1977 (Ernest Piaste) / Felix Aylmer d1979 (Sir Joseph Pitts) / Kenneth Hyde d1964 (bored man) / Christopher Stone / Edith Evans d1976 (Lady Pitts) / Peter Williams (Vincent) / Anna Burden d1972 (Maisie) and Mark Stone d1952 (Mr Watson)
A desirable early autograph of Peter Finch
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