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Importance of Being Earnest
Reference Number. 8624
An exceptional original vintage 1939 autograph book page, clearly signed in ink by seven of the main cast of the play ; John Gielgud d2000 (Jack) / Edith Evans d1976 (Lady Bracknell) / Jack Hawkins d1973 (Algernon) / Margaret Rutherford d1972 (Miss Prism) / Peggy Ashcroft d1991 (Cecily) / Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies d1992 (Gwendolen) and George Howe d1986 (Rev Canon Chasuble).
Incredibly all four of these wonderful British actresses went onto become Dames (DBE's) in later years ; Edith Evans (1946) / Peggy Ashcroft (1956) / Margaret Rutherford (1967) and Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies (1991) who also lived to the age of 101.
Double mounted with the original August 1939 cover of the programme & ticket stub for the evening (Globe Theatre Dress Circle 12s A19) and reproduction images (taken from the programme).
Amazing to find all these important actors on one single autograph book page together. Three pages of the programme are also signed besides their images in ink by John Gielgud / Peggy Ashcroft and Jack Hawkins.