Film Directors & Misc

Film Directors & Misc
THE TOP 10 highest grossing film directors (2023) are ; 1) Steven Spielberg 2) James Cameron 3) Russo Brothers 4) Peter Jackson 5) Michael Bay 6) David Yates 7) Christopher Nolan 8) J J Abrams 9) Tim Burton 10) Ridley Scott
THE TOP 10 films of all time ; The Godfather / Shawshank Redemption / Schindlers List / Raging Bull / Casablanca / One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest / Gone With The Wind / Citizen Kane / The Wizard of Oz and Titanic

J Arthur Rank

J Lee Thompson

Jack Lee

Jack Smight

James B Harris

James Clavell

James Hill

James Hill

Jean Negulesco

Jean Vilar

Jerome Robbins

Jerry Bresler

Jerry Paris

Jerry Wald

Jesse Lasky

Joe Pasternak

John Carstairs

John Derek

John Frankenheimer

John Guillermin

John Huston

John Krish

John Kruse

John Osbourne

John Patrick

John Schlesinger

John Woolf

Jose Ferrer

Jose Quintero

Josef Somlo

Josef von Sternberg

Joseph Janni

Jules Dassin

Julian Wintle